So mostly this post is to a test so I can set up all the formatting stuff, but I'll try not to make it completely boring. I started actually packing yesterday; I set out all my clothes and important documents that I'll need while abroad. I thought it would be a challenge to minimize my wardrobe for a whole semester down to two suitcases, but I got everything laid out and the piles are shockingly small! Maybe they'll stop looking so small when I try shoving them into a suitcase heh. I also haven't set out any shoes and let's be honest that will he my real challenge.
I got everything planned out for Berlin with Kathleen this past week so we have our daily itinerary and I bought my three day Belin pass this morning which will cover most of our sightseeing for three days and all of our transportation for three days. It's all beginning to feel very real! I've been practicing my basic German so I'll be able to order at a restaurant without sounding like an annoying America tourist. Besides, what fun is going to another country if you can't immerse yourself completely in their culture. My mom continues to encourage me to learn obscene terms hah, I blame the Italian term book we took to Rome which for some reason thought we needed to know how to tell someone we had strange infections and needed ointments. I think I'll stick to numbers, asking where the restroom is, and ording food.
I'll run my last few errands in the next couple days like getting the buttons sewed back on my warm coat, checking the hours of German Museums, and getting my hair cut. Still haven't decided whether it's a trim or a full pixie cut chop... Probably just a trim hah.
I'm getting so excited to be in Europe! Ever since I spent my first few days in Europe, in Amsterdam actually, I fell in love. I realized that I'm a European at heart and ever since I've dreamed of living there. Now that I'm actually getting old enough to seriously contemplate my future, I keep finding myself looking at internships, jobs, and a life outside of the United States and ultimately in Europe. I've already fallen in love with Amsterdam, Rome, and Paris, I'm ready to see Berlin, Vienna, whatever other towns and cities I'm able to visit, and most importantly Prague. I see this trip as my first real opportunity to truly live in Europe. I'm both excited and nervous to see how we will match up! Who knows, maybe I'll choose Prague as my future home. :)
For now I'll just run those last errands, desperately try to find a way to keep up with my American TV shows in Europe, and dread the long flights in anticipation for what I know will be a life changing four months.
S láskou,
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